Dhule Charitable Society's

Annasaheb Ramesh Ajmera College of Pharmacy

Affiliated to KBC North Maharashtra University, (NMU), Jalgaon,MSBTE, Mumbai.

Approved By PCI, AICTE New Delhi and Govt. of Maharashtra.

Accredited by NBA.


About US


"Dhule Charitable Society was established in 1901 and is a renowned NGO of Northern Maharashtra imparting Quality Education. The DCS group of Institution specializes in providing comprehensive teaching - learning facilities, in a wide spectrum. DCS's A.R.A. College of Pharmacy established in 1994 and our campus is sprawled in a well place 13 acres land. It is one of the institute of DCS. The campus nature is self-sufficient for production of better quality students as per market demand. We promise for enriching the enriching skill, knowledge, attitude and training. Right from its establishment the institute has maintain the quality of education. The institution has accredited twice from June 2019 up to 2025 by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi."


"Reaching towards pre-eminence in education by providing quality teaching and learning aspects with effective application of advance technologies to device an integrated framework that contains all the aspects of pharmaceutical education and research to develop an ideal pharmacist to serve humanity better than the best"



To impart high degree of excellence in pharmacy education to cater the evolving need of the students, industries and the society at large.


To create and evaluate innovative pharmacy practice to support pharmaceutical research to optimized quality of medication, cost effectively and healthcare


To stimulate an exceptional community of students, faculty and staff.


To attain personal and professional growth and success.


Type ID Program Outcome
PO PO1 Pharmacy Knowledge: Possess knowledge and comprehension of the core and basic knowledge associated with the profession of pharmacy, including biomedical sciences; pharmaceutical sciences; behavioral, social, and administrative pharmacy sciences; and manufacturing practices.
PO PO2 Planning Abilities: Demonstrate effective planning abilities including time management, resource management, delegation skills and organizational skills. Develop and implement plans and organize work to meet deadlines.
PO PO3 Problem analysis: Utilize the principles of scientific enquiry, thinking analytically, clearly and critically, while solving problems and making decisions during daily practice. Find, analyze, evaluate and apply information systematically and shall make defensible decisions
PO PO4 Modern tool usage: Learn, select, and apply appropriate methods and procedures, resources, and modern pharmacy-related computing tools with an understanding of the limitations
PO PO5 Leadership skills: Understand and consider the human reaction to change, motivation issues, leadership and team-building when planning changes required for fulfillment of practice, professional and societal responsibilities. Assume participatory roles as responsible citizens or leadership roles when appropriate to facilitate improvement in health and wellbeing.
PO PO6 Professional Identity: Understand, analyze and communicate the value of their professional roles in society (e.g. health care professionals, promoters of health, educators, managers, employers, employees)
PO PO7 Pharmaceutical Ethics: Honour personal values and apply ethical principles in professional and social contexts. Demonstrate behavior that recognizes cultural and personal variability in values, communication and lifestyles. Use ethical frameworks; apply ethical principles while making decisions and take responsibility for the outcomes associated with the decisions
PO PO8 Communication: Communicate effectively with the pharmacy community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports, make effective presentations and documentation, and give and receive clear instructions
PO PO9 The Pharmacist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety and legal issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional pharmacy practice
PO PO10 Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional pharmacy solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development


Type ID Program Educational Objective
PEO B. Pharmacy To descover novelty in Pharmaceutical Science by improving high impact research
PEO B. Pharmacy To desiminate transformative pharmacy practices
PEO B. Pharmacy TO promote diversity of thoughts and continuous learning
PEO B. Pharmacy To provide society with pharmacist who are leaders in the profession
PEO B. Pharmacy To provide students with an optimal learning environment

"Dear Students, Welcome to Dhule Charitable Society's A.R.A college of Pharmacy. Our goal is to develop all students with their inherent strength they possess into sound meritorious professionals to meet the needs of global channels. The institute is consistently striving hard to achieve highest quality in every sphere of activity, particularly developing students in accordance with their inner drive in order to shape students as Pharmacist and also as responsible citizen. Our focus is to bridge the gap between industry requirement and education, and we are dedicated to bring out generations of professionals with quality required by industry .We are pursuing this dream by inculcating among the students skills and thought-processes which will lead them to success in every corner of their life, also making them future proof so that they are ready to conquer challenges and changes, by adapting and exploring innovative solutions. The institute has adopted the best features of the education to equip students with attributes to succeed in fiercely competitive business world with grace and without compromising with universal values. With the commitment and focus as enunciated here, our objective is to offer students a worldclass program, designed to help each student realize one’s full potential at an affordable cost. We find it obligatory to take care of our students in all aspects of life from now on leading to a lifetime relationship. Our teaching is focused on Pharma business world and its need through our personalized and interactive teaching methods. I am sure my committed faculty and staff will strive hard to transcend students into prospective young Pharmacists with globally compatible skills and knowledge, ready to lead. I am pleased to note the progress that we are taking in the direction of making this institute as one of the best campus in India, meeting international standards in the field of Pharmacy. I once again invite you to join hands with us in this life long partnership in relentless pursuit to world-class-excellence."

With Best Wishes,
Bhaiyyasaheb Ashish R. Ajmera


Dear students and parents, Welcome to the DCS's A.R.A. College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule. It is crucial to understand that India as whole is changing rapidly and dramatically and Pharmaceutical field is no exception. However instead of only adapting to these changes, it is far better to find bigger opportunities with changes and to lead the same with perspective of sustainable development. It is always better to create a trend than to pursue it. This is only achievable if one have thorough knowledge of the system and conceptual excellence and readiness to switch aligned thought-processes at once. I am happy to inform you that we are dedicated to inculcate among the students all required attributes so that they will lead the future with balancing approach and mark many milestones ahead. “Proud to be Pharmacist” it’s our central tagline and top priority agenda, it’s not mere sentence for us, but it is inspiration and line of work for us. We as institute taking all essential efforts so that society will realize and recognize the importance and necessity of this noble profession in developing civilization. Nevertheless it’s more important to make students cognizant with responsibility and sense of credibility they possess as Pharmacist. There are ample opportunities available in the field of Pharmacy and we are trying our best to make students keeping pace with future, in fact ahead of future. The “Dhule charitable society” was dream crafted by visionary lead Late Aaisaheb Kamalabai Ajmera, who dedicated her life for development of unprivileged and underdeveloped section of society and even donated body for development of science, she referred as Mother of Orphan. It was further nurtured by Late Annasaheb Rameshaji Ajmera, Institute is named after him. With this bequest we are dedicated to bring out optimistic environment for all under dynamic leadership of renowned Rotarian Honble Ashishaji Ajmera well-known for his contribution in social upliftment. I again welcome you to institute! I assure you of recession proof future!"

With Best Wishes,
Dr. Rajendra.D. Wagh

  • Monitoring and control of all activities in the institution related to academics, finance, and administration.
  • To follow rules, regulations, and duties governed by the DCS's A.R.A.C.O.P., PCI, and Government of Maharashtra.
  • To plan and organize at least two meetings annually with management council and proper implementation of decisions taken in the meetings at institute level.
  • Preparation of budget for forthcoming year and implementation of it according to necessity of the institution.
  • Judicial allocation of budget and resources to all departments.
  • To check the proposal prepared for different grants, continuation of approval, and variation of intake or addition of new courses.
  • To get affiliation for all existing courses from the affiliating body by submitting the proposal in time to DCS's A.R.A.C.O.P. and PCI.
  • Maintaining and updating documentation for all the portals and regulating bodies including FRA, NIRF, and MAHADBT etc.
  • Constitution of Program committee and IQAC. Implementation and execution of suggestions from it for development of students and institution.
  • Maintenance of strict discipline in college by implementation and execution of committees like antidiscrimination cell, internal complaint committee, anti-ragging committee etc.
  • Follow up of all proposals pending with various departments, government offices, university etc.
  • Perspective planning of resources required for the college. Submission of proposal in terms of requirements with regards to new faculties, furniture, books, chemicals, or equipment to management.
  • Ensuring proper infrastructure and documentation required for applying to accreditation and other certifications.
  • To design strategy and policy regarding training, placement, and entrepreneurship development of the students.
  • To designate suitable staff members as HOD and In-charge for other portfolios.
  • Encouraging students and staff to participate in FDP, seminar, workshops, expo, exhibitions, and conferences.
  • To sanction various types of leaves as per government and college norms.
  • Creating environment of safety and security for all staff and students.
  • Organizing different programs in the institution to increase social touch of the institute and overall development of students.
  • To remain unbiased and have professional approach in all decision-making considering growth of staff and students.
  • Maintaining ethics and honesty in all decisions.
  • To address all the legal issues arising out during the management.
  • Design and implementation of the departmental time table, Individual time table and monitor the same.
  • To lead the teaching curriculum in the institute through various activities like encouraging faculties and students, engaging lectures, promoting research, etc.
  • Encourage faculties to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences, faculty development programs, etc.
  • Planning and organizing departmental meetings to understand difficulties and solve them.
  • To ensure maintenance of laboratories and equipment in the department in workable conditions.
  • Ensuring punctual conduction of theory and practical classes.
  • To ensure that proper discipline is maintained during practical. Display of Sop's laboratory manners, Do's and Don'ts in laboratories.
  • To ensure ample availability of all resources like chemicals and equipment in the department.
  • To carry out measures that distinguish the department and enhance the overall performance by staff members.
  • To carry out timely verification of stocks ensuring judicial use of chemicals.
  • Shall ensure that the workplace is safe for all the students.
  • To carry out all the workload in a timely manner.
  • Maintenance of attendance, assignment, and other academic records.
  • To commence the semester by preparing theory and practical planner of allocated subjects. Ensure its proper implementation during the semester.
  • To carry out work such as setting question paper and assessment of answer sheets.
  • To create an environment for fearless exchange of knowledge between students and staff.
  • To design study material, e-content, etc. for proper understanding of the subject to students.
  • To get involved in research activities and also promote students for it.
  • To encourage students for participation in curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • Maintain absolute integrity and discipline pertaining to the workplace.
  • To strictly conduct all the duties related to examination.
  • Follow duties assigned by Principal and Head of the department.
  • Should be absolutely impartial towards students while executing his/her duties.
  • Mentor the allocated students to achieve their best in academics and career selection.
  • To encourage fast learners and help slow learners to perform to their highest potential.
  • Follow sharp reporting timings as per the rule.
  • Assist teaching and administrative staff in their work whenever necessary.
  • Lab attendants and peons should maintain cleanliness in allocated premises.
  • Lab technicians and Lab attendants must assist teaching staff in conduction of practical.
  • Lab technicians must get involved in complete practical exercise.
  • Lab technicians must maintain all practical records, stock registers, instrument log books, SOP’s, etc., and submit them to HOD and get their signatures obtained.
  • Lab technicians and Lab attendants must report any damage to the laboratory equipment or property must be reported to the HOD immediately.
  • Lab technicians and Lab attendants must ensure safe handling of chemicals and equipment by the students.
  • Lab technicians and Lab attendants must show courtesy and follow laboratory manners.
  • To enrich the book-bank facilities for students.
  • To maintain the accession register up-to-date.
  • To prepare and submit the annual budget of the library.
  • Procurement of new books and journals as per procedure.
  • Displaying journals and periodicals on the shelf and issuing them.
  • Circulation of catalogues and book information to staff.
  • Display of essential newspaper cuttings.
  • To maintain silence and discipline in the reading room.
  • Encouraging students and staff to use the digital library and language lab facility.
  • Maintenance of all kinds of records and library cards.
  • Admissions to all the courses will be on merit basis of qualifying examination. (MHTCET/NEET Score)
  • For entry into the campus, students should be wearing proper uniform and identity card. It is mandatory for all throughout the course duration.
  • Any students found discriminating other students on the basis of caste, religion, race, ethnicity, colour, sex, gender, physical disability, age, sexual orientation, and political or religious beliefs is prohibited. Any abuse verbally, socially or physically is prohibited via any means.
  • Students must attend theory and practical in their allotted classrooms and laboratories only. At any condition, they will not be allowed to enter other classrooms and laboratories where students of other classes are engaged.
  • Students who are found to be consuming or possessing liquor will be dismissed from the college. Unlawful possession or consumption of Tobacco in any form is prohibited. Smoking as well as using drugs is also strictly prohibited into the campus. Even prompting other students in this regard is a punishable offense. Under no circumstances will such activities be tolerated.
  • Students are not allowed to stick posters, draw sketches or mark anything on walls, buildings or trees in college and campus premises.
  • The conduct of the students inside and outside the campus should be such that it will raise their own image and image of the Institute in the society. Students using foul language/misbehaving with teaching staff, non-teaching staff, stakeholders or any other students may face strict disciplinary action.
  • Use of Mobile phone is prohibited in classrooms and laboratories.
  • Students must take all official notices seriously. They must read notice board regularly and inform parents/guardians also whenever necessary.
  • Proper silence and discipline to be maintained in classrooms, laboratories, library, hostel and auditorium/seminar hall.
  • Any form of malpractice in examination will be prohibited under University Act and norms laid down by the College from time to time.
  • Misuse of Resources- In case of damage to college property, equipment or books, students must bear the cost of material.
  • Anti-Ragging- According to the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act, 1999, UGC notification, direction of Supreme Court of India and the recommendation of Raghavan Committee, measures are taken to prevent ragging. Ragging is strictly prohibited inside the college campus. Students involved in ragging will be dismissed from the college. As per UGC Regulations, college has formed Anti-ragging Committee.
  • Attendance- Minimum attendance of 75% is compulsory in each subject. Theory as well as practical attendance will be counted separately. Student having attendance below 75% will not be allowed to attend examinations as per university regulations. A student must take prior written permission of Guardian teacher and Principal in case he/she is unable to attend the lectures and/or practical.
  • Mentor-Mentee System- Each student will be allotted a mentor/guardian teacher after admission. He/she can express personal or academic problems to the mentor.
  • Every student should focus on cleanliness. Throwing waste papers and other stationary, etc., are punishable. Strict fine and other action may be initiated in this regard.
Governing Body

Governing Body

Sr. No. Name of Committee Member Designation
1Hon’ble Shri. Ashishji Ramesh AjmeraPresident
2Shri. Kamlesh Mishrilal KhivsaraSecretary
3Smt. Sumantai Girdharilal ChandakMember
4Shri. Harsh Ramchandra ShindeMember
5Hon’ble Registrar cum Secretary, PCI, New DelhiEx. Officio (Advisor)
6Hon’ble Regional Director, R.D.T.E., NashikDTE Nominee
7Hon’ble Registrar KBC N. M. U. JalgaonKBC N. M. U. Nominee
8Hon’ble Dy. Secretary, RBTE, AurangabadMSBTE Mumbai
9Shri. Mahendra O. Patil (Matish Pharma Vadodara, Gujarat)Industry Nominee
10Dr. S. R. Chaudhari (Principal, Trinity College of Pharmacy, Pune)Ex. Officio (Academic)
11Dr. Rajendra D. Wagh (Principal, DCS’s A.R.A. College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule)Principal (Secretary)
12Dr. Ravindra B. Patil (DCS’s A. R. A. College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule)Professor
13Dr. Minal S. Patil (DCS’s A. R. A. College of Pharmacy, Nagaon, Dhule)Assistant Professor

Audit Reports